Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Last week, Audrey had her Thanksgiving feast at school. Her class all made Indian shirts and headbands to wear. They were precious!

In the spirit of the season, I just want to say how thankful I am for Oakview and the wonderful principal and teachers there. Audrey is absolutely loving school and learning so much. I love hearing her tell me all about the things she has done through the day and having it inspire me to find other ways to challenge her at home. We are reading a lot and she is getting better at it every day. She is also very interested in writing, especially what she calls "joke books". She will take stacks of paper and write these little sayings all over them that basically make no sense, but she calls them her jokes and thinks they are hilarious. When she reads them to you, you MUST laugh! Then after reading them she always wants me to staple them all together into a book. So maybe I have a writer in the makings or a comedienne or maybe a publisher....who knows? Maybe all three...

1 comment:

  1. mmmmmmmmmmmm if she is dinner I want all I can eat, getting hernaked to eat herpussy would be an honour
